European Doctoral
  Group in Economics

EDGE Jamboree 2002: The Program



Friday September 20

Arrival in Copenhagen

Saturday September 21

8.45-9.00am           Welcome address, practical matters

9.00-10.30am          Session 1

Chair: Ray Rees, Münich

Helene Couprie, Marseille: Allocation of time within the family: are single living women better off than women in couple
Edith Madsen, Copenhagen  

Ferdinand von Siemens, Münich: Employment Contracts and Fairness 
Discussant: Günther Fink, Bocconi

Giuliano de  Rossi, Cambridge: Kalman Filtering of Consistent Forward Rate Curves. A tool to Estimate and Model Dynamically the Term Structure
Steen Winther Blindum, Copenhagen

10.30-11.00am        Tea/Coffee/Biscuits

11.00am-12.30pm   Session 2

Chair: Gernot Doppelhofer, Cambridge  

Andreas Koch, Copenhagen: On the Computational Complexity of Economic Decisions
Discussant: Tobias Boehm, Münich  

Hongmei Zhao, Dublin: The Behavior of Inflation and Unemployment in The OECD
Discussant: Astrid Ervik, Cambridge

Paolo Surico, Bocconi: US Monetary Policy Rules: the Case for Asymmetric Preferences
Discussant: Tom Giblin, Dublin

12.30-2:00pm          Lunch  
                              at the Institute Canteen 3 rd floor

2:00-3.30pm           Key Note Lecture

Chair: Christian Schultz, Copenhagen

Professor Martin Browning, Copenhagen: "Why do young single people spend so little?"

3.30-4.00pm           Tea/Coffee/Biscuits
                              at the Institute Canteen 3rd floor

4.30-6.00pm           Session 3

Chair: Rodney Thom, Dublin

Walid Hichri, Marseille: Interior collective optimum and communication in a voluntary contribution to a public good game: an experimental approach
Discussant: Claudia Sanhueza, Cambridge

Lynda Porter, Dublin: Cost Asymmetry and Taxation: Implications for Multinational Activity
Discussant: Ludovic Vian, Marseille

Markus Reisinger, Münich:  The Effects of Product Bundling in Duopoly
Discussant: Han Nie, Dublin

7.30pm                   Conference Dinner  
                              at Il Ristorante, Grønnegade 33


Sunday September 22

9.00-10.30am          Session 4

Chair: Eric Girardin, Aix 

Andreas Park, Cambridge: Caller Number Five: Timing Games that Morph from One Form to Another
Discussant: Bjoern Bartling, Münich

Florian Herold, Münich: Stick or carrots? Group Selection and the Evolution of Reciprocal Preferences
Discussant: Paul Kramp, Copenhagen 

Christoph Kuzmics, Cambridge, Stochastic Evolutionary Stability in Generic Extensive Form Games of Perfect Information
Discussant: Andreas Koch, Copenhagen

10.30-11.00am        Tea/Coffee/Biscuits

11.00am-12.30pm   Session 5

Chair: Vincenso Galasso, Bocconi

Lars Peter Østerdal, Copenhagen: Equal value of life and the Pareto principle 
Wiebke Kuklys, Cambridge

Alireza Naghavi, Dublin: Labor Standards, Oligopsonistic Labor Markets, and the Location of Firms
Discussant: Ingrid Königbauer, Münich

Pietro Tomassino, Bocconi: The Political Economy of Financial Backwardness
Discussant:Thomas Harr, Copenhagen

2.00-4.00pm Meeting of the EDGE executive committee

Rules of the Game: Each presenter has 20 minutes for the presentation followed by 5 minutes discussion by the discussant 5 minutes for general discussion.


