Jamboree, September 8-9, 2012
University of Munich
for the EDGE Conference:
of Munich
Room W
8th September 2012
8:30 – 10:00
Session 1: Applied theory (chair: Matthias Messner)
Robert Ulbricht (Universität München - LMU): "Endogenous Uncertainty, Credit Crises, and Persistence of Pessimism" (available upon request from the author)
Antoine Le Riche (Université Aix-Marseille
Anastasia Cozarenco (Université Aix-Marseille II): "The looking-glass self effect on the microcredit
market: theory and evidence from a
French MFI"
Saleem Bahaj (University of Cambridge)
Saleem Bahaj
(University of Cambridge): "On the optimality
of budget rules in a fiscal union"
Discussant: Anastasia Cozarenco (Université Aix-Marseille II )
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee break
– 12:00 Session 2:
Theory (chair: Sebastian Bervoets)
Mie la Cour Sonne (Københavns Universitet): "Vertical Integration in Two-Sided Markets"
Sergey Kuniavsky (Universität München - LMU)
Sergey Kuniavsky
(Universität München - LMU): "Reserve Price
in Search Models"
Mie la Cour Sonne (Københavns Universitet)
Antoine Le Riche (Université Aix-Marseille II): "Endogenous Business Cycles in Two-Country OLG Economy"
Discussant: Robert Ulbricht (Universität München - LMU)
12:15 – 13:15 Keynote lecture
Uwe Sunde (Universität München - LMU): "Democratization and Development: The Role of Violence During the Transition"
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch (Freskensaal, Ludwigstr. 28)
14:30 – 16:00 Session 3: Trade (chair: Hans-Christian
Damoun Ashournia (Københavns Universitet): "The Impact of Chinese Import Penetration on Danish Firms and Workers"
Katharina Eck (Universität München - LMU)
Gunes Gokmen (Università Bocconi): "Cultural Diversity a Barrier to Riches? "
Zsoka Koczan (University of Cambridge)
Katharina Eck (Universität München - LMU): "The Effect of Trade Credit Financing on Exporting during the Recent Financial Crisis - Firm Level Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe"
Discussant: Damoun Ashournia (Københavns Universitet)
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 – 18:00 Session 4: Macro (chair: Pontus Rendahl)
Sandrine Lunven (Université Aix-Marseille II): "Monetary policy transmission on the yield curve in China during the financial Crisis"
Peter Zorn (ifo Institute, Munich)
Alexandre Kohlhas (University of Cambridge): "US Monetary Policy and Uncertainty: Testing Brainard's Hypothesis"
Daniele Siena (Università Bocconi)
Daniele Siena (Università Bocconi): "European Monetary Union and Imbalances. Is it an anticipation story?"
Alexandre Kohlhas (University of Cambridge)
19:30 – Dinner at Georgenhof
(Friedrichstr. 1 / @Georgenstr.)
9th September 2012
9:30 – 11:00 Session 5: Education (chair: Vincent
Caitriona Logue (University College Dublin): "Measuring Investment in Human Capital Formation: An Experimental Analysis of Early Life Outcomes"
Amrei M. Lahno (Universität München - LMU)
Yuanyuan Ma (University College Dublin): "Estimating the External Returns to Education: Evidence from China"
Larissa Zierow (Universität München - LMU)
Hans Henrik Sievertsen (Københavns Universitet): "Does the cyclicality of school enrollment depend on parental education?"
Caitriona Logue (University
College Dublin)
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 13:00 Session 6: Applied (chair: Davide
Zsoka Koczan (University of Cambridge): "Does integration increase life satisfaction?"
Gunes Gokmen (Università Bocconi)
Thomas Høgholm Jørgensen (Københavns Universitet): "The Value of Joint Retirement"
Mouhamadou M. Niang (Université Aix-Marseille II)
Patrice De Micco (Università Bocconi): "Minimum Pension Reforms and Early Retirement Behavior: Is there a Gender Bias? The Case of Spain"
Thomas Høgholm Jørgensen (Københavns Universitet)
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch (Freskensaal, Ludwigstr. 28)
Rules for presenters:
Each presenter has 20 minutes for the presentation, followed by 10
minutes discussion. The authors should make sure that the discussant is
provided with a copy
of the paper in due time before the Jamboree.
Copies of the papers will not be provided by the local organization in Munich. Each
participant should download
the papers before coming to Munich and
each presenter should bring a few copies of his or her paper to the conference.
Presenters should submit a pdf version of their
papers by email to Davide Cantoni before August 15.
Student participants:
University College Dublin |
Caitriona Logue |
caitriona.logue () ucd.ie |
Yuanyuan Ma |
yoyo.yuanyuanma () gmail.com |
Université Aix-Marseille II |
Anastasia Cozarenco |
anastasia.COZARENCO () univ-amu.fr |
Sandrine Lunven |
sandrine.lunven () hotmail.fr |
Antoine Le Riche |
Mouhamadou M. Niang |
mouhamadou.NIANG () univ-amu.fr |
University of Cambridge |
Saleem Bahaj |
sab202 () cam.ac.uk |
Zsoka Koczan |
zk219 () cam.ac.uk |
Alexandre Kohlhas |
ak604 () cam.ac.uk |
Università Bocconi |
Patrice De Micco |
patrice.demicco () phd.unibocconi.it |
Gunes Gokmen |
gunes.gokmen () phd.unibocconi.it |
Daniele Siena |
daniele.siena () phd.unibocconi.it |
Københavns Universitet |
Damoun Ashournia |
Damoun.Ashournia () econ.ku.dk |
Mie la Cour Sonne |
Mie.la.Cour.Sonne () econ.ku.dk |
Thomas Høgholm Jørgensen |
Thomas.H.Jorgensen () econ.ku.dk |
Hans Henrik Sievertsen |
hhs () sfi.dk |
Universität München - LMU |
Sergey Kuniavsky |
Sergey.Kuniavsky () lrz.uni-muenchen.de |
Katharina Eck |
katharina.eck () lrz.uni-muenchen.de |
Robert Ulbricht |
r.ulbricht () lmu.de |
Amrei M. Lahno |
amrei.lahno () lrz.uni-muenchen.de |
Larissa Zierow |
larissa.zierow () econ.lmu.de |
Peter Zorn |
zorn () ifo.de |
Organizing Committee:
Phone: + 49 (0) 89 2180 - 3169
Fax: + 49 (0) 89 2180-17823
E-Mail: cantoni () lmu.de